*yg pertama,name i ialah FARA LIYANA BINTI IDRIS..
sangat bengang dan agak benci kdg2 sebab suke-suke ati org jer nak letak h kat fara tuh jadik faraH...adehh..so,tlglah amek perhatian sket ye..tak bnyak pon,sket je.ckup dgn sdar name i tade h.DEAL???huuuuuuuuuuuu
*okey,mate nie memg natural choco. so ape masalah lu nak cakap wa ni hipokrit!!pakai contact lens tp tak nak ngaku lahh..aduyai,kalau tak caye sangat korek lah mate nie..susahlah hidop kalau asek nak kutok org jerhh..
*sangat rapat dgn arwah nenek belah ayah.sebab ape2 sumer cte kat nek dulu.even,kene marah pon nek back up.SAAYAH BINTI KARNADI..dialah nenek paling best dalam dunia..nie rahsia sket tp bgtau jugaklah.kdg2 tym dok sorg,memg akan teringat dan tak dinafikan akan mengalir jugak air mata nie.so,pd sesiapa yg pnah TERnampk tuh,biakan jelah..the best way untok bg i release..kehh???
*memg sangat ader masalah dgn haiwan bernama KUCING..tak tau lah nape tp memg lah.die bukan rase benci tp lebih kepada rase takot dan geli..pnah dlu kat satu kdai nie,tngah syok menyembang sambil tnggu teh tarik dgn roti boom boleh plak kucing uhh meleset bawah meja tuh dan dengan SEMEGAHNYA i berdri ats kerusi tu ye followers sekalian.dan pada saat dan ketika itulah rase cam femes sangat2 sebab boleh dkatakan sume org pndg.even bdak kecik!!!yelahh,mane tak nye centre of attraction uhh babe..ahahaahah..n dah berazam memg tak nak future husband yg nak bela kucing..hee,sorilah yee.sape yg ader cri cam tuh memg dah REJECT awal2 lahh..
sangat suke kat mamat jersi no.8 nie.tak tau lah nape.first tym tengok dah rase cam suke sangat.eheheheh..so,jgn heran lah kalau setiap kali team n.9 lawan or team malaysia lawan i antara org yg akan ader kat stadium tok tengok si die nieh,heee..since die nie striker untok n.9 & mas..
*okeh.nie memg sangat malu nak cakap.hee..okey2..ehem..ehem..dgn ini saye memaklumkan bahawa saya memg ader BANTAL BUSUK..hee..sori ye.rase tak lengkap tydo tanpa bntal busuk.room mates memg sangat faham dah.hee.tp ader jugak cubaan nak smbunyikan bntal uhh tp tak berjaya sebab dowg kate tak tahan dgn bau yg `pure` sgt...hek2..n satu fact yg agak pnting gak lah ye..sesape yg nak kwn dgn i memg akan KENE bau bntal tuh..hee..die cam syarat gak laa..hee..sangat mengade di situ..bkn aper.cam ske2 jer.yelah,skang nie nak carik kwn yg betol dgn kita tym susah or sng susah.so,dgn care tu ley la gak dapat tau kawn mane yg cam snggop..cheeewaaahhh..alasan jerh tuuu..
*rose PUTIH vs rose MERAH
mesti n comfirm2 nye lah rose kaler PUTIH meng.sebab i memg sangat suke rose putih.tak tau nape.hee.ader jugak org cakap cane reaction i if dapat rose merah.well,stakat nie reaction i ialah i akn amek n i akn bg kat org yg nak lah.hee.sori.lagi satu pertanyaan i nak kene jawab nie.ade org cakap plak cane if org yg bg tuh yelah my future husband.errrrr..cane ehh,maybe if tym uhh die tngah propose i,i leh consider sket laa kot kan sebb cam plik jugak kalau nak propose tp bg bunge kaler putih.cam nak soh mati jer kan??heee
cokelet celop2!!heheheh..dari kecik memg suke sangat sangat sangat kat cokelet.sampi wat lagu sndri everytime ibu cakap nak gy kdai beli cokelet.hehh..tak kisah lah ape pon as long as cokelet memg akn di bedal..
*kacap terlabik
hee..suke-suke..i memg suke kacap terlabik..tym mule2 cam org confuse gak lah kan i cakap ape n wat muke tak paham uhh tp lame2 dowh lg expert laa plak.hee..
okeh,selain dari kacap terlabik i ske cakap MEMANG..hee..contoh yee sebab i nampak korang berkerut tym bace nie.okehh2,contohnye cam sebenarnye i nak cakap yg bende tu burok tp i tak cakap cam tuh i ckp cni MEMANG sangat lawa lah kan.hee..ader nada die jugak tau..tak ramai leh tiru..hee..tp nak bngga sket nie..dah ramai plak yg ikot care i cakap uhh..wahh,ader followers dah skrg..
aahahahah..sile jgn gedik yee fara..
*KIM kardhasian
sangat suke kat minah nie.sile jgn nak otak kuning sgt ye.sangat ske sebb die sgt gojes.sgt lawa.tp plg pnting die sgt simple yet lawa.ohhh..sgt jeles..sampi tak sabar nak tnggu rambot pnjg sebab nak wat cam rambot minah nie lahh..heee..
*perfume please...
i bkn jnis org yg ske nak kumpul perfume bnyak sgt tp i suke kumpol perfume yg i ske.cam tok koleksi i sndri jer lahh.mane2 tempat yg i pergy even dalam negara jer pon akn di akhiri dgn membeli perfume.i beli bkn ikot brand or botol sgt kdg2 tp i lebih kpd bau..ouhhh..addict dgn bau perfume..bau perfume sndri pon leh addict.pelik kan??
sangat suke kaler cam dalam pelangi & kaler cam pastel..lembot jerh..
heee..tak ramai yg tau nieyhh..
*fairytale n garden
teringin nak kahwin dalam tema cam fairytale n ala2 konsep garden cam uhh..auwww..so sweet..eheheh..upps!!terlebih sudahh..
hishhh..tak ske tau..tp rami org cakap yg i ni kalau mule2 org tngok nmpk cam sombong jerhh..tp bler dah kena sgt peramah lah plak kan..tak baik tau cam tu.i tak sombong lah.cuma cam slagy org tak tegur wat pe nak buat baik sgt kan??kita tak tau niat org cane..
yippie!!!ske sgt travel.stakat nie dalam bnyak2 tempat lah kan plg ske tym gy PULAU PERHENTIAN..goshh!!sgt lawa okey..seriously..pasir pantai sgt putih..air laut yg biru n bersih..udara nyaman n segar,makanan n seafood yg sgt awesome,n org pulau yg ehem2..ader laa yg hot..heee..lagi satu nak rekemen lah pulau nie untok org yg memg nak lari dari sape2 or bz sebab kat pulau nie memg tade line phone.so,tym oliday kat sni handphone yg MAHAL cane pon leh campak jelah dalam beg sebb memg tade line langsong pon.bagos kan??satu lg benda yg best sebab ble malam menjelma scara automatik nye lah kan kawasan situh jadik cam hawaii..heee..sile paham cpat sket ye..
*hate STALKER!!
baru2 nie telah mnjadi mngsa STALKER yg sgt hebat.bygkanlah..gy mane2 dgn sape buat ape sume org tu tau sebaba konon nya die ader spy yg sgt pro wat keje2 cni..hey!!get a life lah..i bkn artis yg korg nak sebok nak stalk..lagi satu,bkn kene stalk jerh tp ape yg dowg dah stalk tu dowg jdkan bahan tok kutok i balik.lg lah tak de life korang nie kan..tak yah nak jadik paparazzi sgt lahh ye..spy2 yg kunun nye terlibat gak tuh,please..away from me!
okey2,dah2..setakat nie jerh lah yg boleh crita yg lain tu di lain mase ye.lgpon kdg2 ader bnda yg kita tak boleh nak crita.privasi please??kan??
humm..so,tu jelah..
tee r yu s tee
*: What Up #?
#: What Up?
*: You Know it's your girl, *.
#: Oh-Hey
*: I've been thinking about this guy-I really feel a lot and..
#: Yeah?
*: Everything that he's been through... I just want him to Trust me
#: He Should..
*: I'll never hurt him, but..
#: But What?
*: You Know..
#: Look..If he loves You, he need to show You--that he loves You
*: I just feel Like
Let me be the one who can take you from all the things you've seen
And if you trust in me I can be there for anything you need
Give it all to me, baby
Don't you run from me, baby
I'll give you every little piece of me
No, I won't leave out a thing
Cause I know
I know you've seen a lot of things in your life
It got you feeling like this can't be right
But, I won't hurt you;
Let me show you, love can be easy
If you just let it be
Nothing is promised, but I believe it
If you give it everything (TRUST)
And I'll give you everything that I've got
And I won't stop until you get it right
All the trust, and all the love
You know we got a lot baby
I trust you.
I love you.
I want you.
I need you.
Baby, I breathe you.
Never leave you.
Life wouldn't be the same without you.
I trust you.
And I love you.
And I want you.
And I need you.
Baby, I breathe you.
Never leave you.
Life wouldn't be the same without you.
*: Don't care what they say about us
#: Tell 'Em, Tell 'Em...
*: Gotta Let'em Know
#: Whoa, Oh--*. Tell'em
not my prince..

Say you're sorry, that face of an angel
Comes out just when you need it to
As I paced back and forth all this time
Cause I honestly believed in you
Holding on, the days drag on
Stupid girl, I should have known
I should have known
I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you and your white horse, to come around
Baby I was naive, got lost in your eyes And never really had a chance I had so many dreams about you and me Happy endings, now I know
I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet
Lead her up the stairwell
And there you are on your knees
Begging for forgiveness, begging for me
Just like I always wanted but I'm so sorry
Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale
I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well
This is a big world, that was a small town
There in my rearview mirror disappearing now
Try and catch me now
Oh, it's too late to catch me now